We meet Wednesdays at 7 pm, August - May
We welcome you to join us!
Follow us on twitter, facebook, and calendar for latest updates and to find out what else we are up to!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Here is what we are up to the rest of the semester

You are invited to the PSF@WVU.  Find more at www.PSFatWVU.org.  

We meet Wednesdays at 7 pm for dinner and program starting around 7:30 pm at the Campus Ministry Center/293 Willey, downtown cream/green house 2-3 blocks north of High Street on Willey Street.

This week is t-shirt making fun.  Bring a shirt and some card stock to stencil fun designs.

Calendar April - May
March 19:  FUN night
March 26:  Lent and Sunday School**
April 2:  Lent and Sunday School
April 9, 16, 23, 30: Hearing stories of faith

Friday March 28
Dinner with WVU Hillel, dinner 6:30 pm, Hillel house with interfaith service

March 30:  
7 am: PSF Pancake Breakfast*, FPC Morgantown & 
9:30 am: Teach children’s Sunday School FPC Morgantown
April 6: Teach Children’s Sunday School 9:30 am, FPC Morgantown
April 13: Teach Children’s Sunday School, 9:30 am, FPC Morgantown

**Lent and Sunday school:  We will work on the lesson plans for teaching children ages 3 years through 5th grade.  
*Pancake breakfast is where we set up, prepare, and serve a pancake breakfast to those who are hungry.

Both Sunday School and Pancake Breakfast can count as service hours.

Sunday School and Pancake breakfast take place at First PResbyterian church at corner of Forest/Spruce Sts, downtown, rides available.  

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