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Friday, March 13, 2015

Getting ready for Sunday (April 12)

Last week we continued our discussion of two scriptures and one possible theme for the worship service on April 12 here are some notes

John 20:19 - 31
Blessed are those who have not seen ad yet have come to believe
Thomas did not need any more proof than the other disciples
Thomas is the more relatable person in the story
Peace be with you
Through believing you may have life in his name
Jesus does not judge Thomas for needing proof, he shows him the marks
Seeing is believing
don't judge other people
spread peace
Think about the characters (named and unnamed in this story), how could you develop monologues with them before the resurrection and after this appearance
What would they say about Thomas?
What would Thomas say?
What would they want to say to us today?

Acts 4:32-35
Sharing is caring (talents)
Material items won't make you happy
coming out of Lent-we just gave up something!
Charitable -- activity, let's get active, what strengths do we have to give
uncomfortable with passage
discipleship -- about giving up?
Not really give everything?  maybe just reallocate resources?
Be charitable, not just to feel good, or because obligated/
What sets apart Christians from others
How God makes Holy (giving) give because you're Christian or what?
Stigmas -- if we give it all up won't we be part of the problem and need to be take care of
Communal living
To see people trying to live this out check out:  http://www.thesimpleway.org/,  http://www.thesimpleway.org/about/faq/
Order and read:  Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Or read these excerpts from his work

Holy Humor Sunday
We have just come out of Lent, let's lighten the mood
Celebrate the resurrection

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