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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Backpack blessing 2018

Let us pray

God of new beginnings hear our prayer to start the school year.  Our hearts and minds are all over the place right now.  Excited to see new faces.  Scared about who’s going to be in our class.  Not ready for summer to be over.  Ready to get out of the house and do something.  Settle our hearts.  Ready our minds and bodies for the race that is beginning.  Shepherd us through this year, prod us in the right direction, feed us with your grace. 

Bless all our students here today.  Create in them minds open to learning; hearts ready to see friends in unfamiliar faces, and the strength to endure on all days.   Bless all students here.  Bless the bags they carry full of supplies to nurture them in body and spirit. 

We are a people of the Bible and rely on faithful teachers to nurture us to engage in your Word.  We called you son, teacher.  Teaching is a gift you give the church and the world.  Thank you for teachers.  Thank you for their faithful attention and care for all their students.  We ask you to send your Spirit of wisdom and grace upon them as the year is beginning.  Bless teachers today.  Bless the bags they carry full of supplies to nurture them in body and spirit. 

Bless all those who serve our schools including principals, presidents, janitors, grounds keepers, cafeteria staff, support staff, counselors, administrators, school boards, and boards of trustees.  All those who work on our campuses are participating in the ministry of education.  Thank you for their tireless work.  Sustain them as they work tirelessly behind the scenes.   Bless all those who support our schools and campuses. Bless the bags they carry full of supplies to nurture them in body and spirit.

Bless us all Lord to be constant learners:  Seeking to know you better and in so doing seeking to share your love with the world.  In the name of Jesus, our teacher and friend, we pray.  Amen

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